
Russian animation MASHA AND THE BEAR ON ICE

  Russian animation Masha and the Bear is hitting the ice rink with an ice show that combines dance and figure skating with 3D projection to offer an interactive experience for families. The adventure on ice is full of humorous situations, brilliant figure skating, acrobatics as well as projections and effects. An ice show inspired by well know fairytale called “Masha and the bear” brings the old Russian fairy tale of a little girl and her bear friend. 3D Russian animated fairy tale created by a director Oleg Kuzovkov has gained millions of fans all around the world since its release in 2009. The stories of little Masha and her guardian Bear called Misha have won hearts of not only children, but their parents as well. 24 Feb 2017 at 17:00 Stožice Sports Park Arena Vojkova ...